30th November 2021

Lifetime ISAs: Who are they for?

,A Lifetime ISA, also known as a Lifetime individual savings account, is ideal for individuals looking to invest in their…

16th November 2021

Do you need a Restrictive Covenant Indemnity Insurance policy?

A Covenant is typically understood as an agreement made between two parties in writing. In the context of property and…

15th November 2021

What is a ‘No Onward Chain’ property?

When buying or selling a house, there is plenty to keep track of. Whether it’s the processes to work through,…

12th November 2021

What are Conveyancing Searches?

Your solicitor will perform property searches (also known as conveyancing searches) to learn more details about a property you want…

8th October 2021

How Long Does a Homebuyers survey take?

If you’re purchasing a property, you might be considering having a survey performed on your property. This is a great…

6th October 2021

Do I Need a Solicitor When Purchasing with a Mortgage?

Can You Purchase a Property With a Mortgage Without a Solicitor? Technically, the answer to this question is Yes. However,…

5th October 2021

Homebuyer’s Survey Checklist

When deciding which survey to have completed on a property, you may consider what is included and inspected within the…

5th October 2021

The Conveyancing Process

What is Conveyancing? For potential buyers and sellers alike, conveyancing is an extremely relevant topic. The term itself encapsulates an…

24th September 2021

Will Mortgage Lenders Accept Local Authority Search Indemnity Insurance?

Will Mortgage Lender Accept Indemnity Insurance? The answer to this question greatly depends on your lender. Local Authority Search Indemnity…